Taurine (2003, 2020) & Glaucoma



A 2020 review of studies summarized the findings of taurine's neuroprotective properties related to glaucoma: preventing a specific type of injury to retinal ganglion cells, preventing retinal neuronal apoptosis (death of retinal neurons), and preventing optic nerve damage. Taurine suppresses oxidative stress (by efficiently scavenging reactive oxygen species) and nitrosative stress. Pre-treatment with taurine was found to have a greater neuroprotective effect than co- or post-treatment.

Iezhitsa I, Agarwal R. (2021). New solutions for old challenges in glaucoma treatment: is taurine an option to consider? Neural Regen Res. May;16(5):967-971.


Taurine, an amino acid concentrated in the eye and found in the optic nerve, may help counter excess levels of nerve-damaging glutamate in the body. An acute dose has been clinically shown to promote blood flow during oxidative stress by restoring vessels' ability to dilate.

Fennessy FM, et al. (2003). Taurine and vitamin C modify monocyte and endothelial dysfunction in young smokers. Circulation. 107:410-15.