
Foods That Seniors Need to Combat Eye Disease

Foods for the eyesSenior citizens have the highest rates of eye issues and conditions. This includes macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes, poor night vision and eye floaters. These diseases and conditions can also happen in much younger people. You get most of your sensory input through vision. Healthy vision is essential for daily functioning, independence and high quality of life.

The good news is that lifestyle and diet have a big impact on the eyes. You can take self-help actions to promote healthy vision, and significantly reduce the risk of getting eye diseases. Nutrition is scientifically proven to affect the health of the eyes, brain and entire body.

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Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Support Eye and Lens Health?

acupuncture treatmentTraditional Chinese Medicine is a whole-body, personalized approach to managing health conditions and pain. Developed in ancient China, TCM unblocks the flow of energy in the body – the “chi.” Practitioners stimulate specific points on the body using tiny, sterile needles. They may also recommend herbal formulas. The acupuncture points are on the body’s meridians, which are energetic channels. Many meridians lead to the eyes, so imbalances in the meridians can impact eye health. Continue reading “Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Support Eye and Lens Health?”

Cataracts and Antioxidants

cataract needs antioxidantsCataracts are a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. They are common among seniors. Symptoms include:

  • cloudy, blurry, foggy, or filmy vision
  • difficulty seeing at night, especially when driving
  • bright sunlight, headlights, and lights may cause a glare or halo
  • colors may appear faded, muted, or yellowed

Cataracts in seniors are often caused by a lifetime of exposure to free radicals. Long-term exposure to sunlight accelerates, which is called glycation, which is the binding of sugar and protein molecules. Over time, glycation breaks down the structure of the lens. Continue reading “Cataracts and Antioxidants”

Homeopathy and the Eyes

homeopathy drops fro the eyesViewing the eyes from a comprehensive, interconnected perspective allows us to best support the health of our entire body, eyes, and brain. The entire body encompasses the connection between the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. This approach has served as a cornerstone of good health for millennia in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as in more contemporary holistic practices like homeopathy and functional medicine. In this article, we will discuss homeopathy and best practices for eye support.
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New Homeopathic Eye Drops: Dryness, Redness, and Digital Eye Strain

Sunnie Dry Eye DropsHomeopathic eye drops are in high demand among people experiencing dry eye, redness, and digital eye strain. At Natural Eye Care, we are excited to announce that our website offers a new line of homeopathic eye drops from Sunnie. Several of our flagship eye drops for these issues are no longer available, but Sunnie has stepped in with these safe remedies.

Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine that uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s healing processes. It’s based on the principle that ‘like treats like.’ These innovative products are a testament to our commitment to providing natural and effective solutions for your eye care needs. Continue reading “New Homeopathic Eye Drops: Dryness, Redness, and Digital Eye Strain”

How Mitochondrial Function Affects the Eyes and the Brain

The “battery” of the cell, the mitochondria, is crucial to good health. However, when mitochondrial function is compromised, it can lead to a host of health issues, ranging from neurodegenerative disorders to cardiovascular diseases. Understanding the intricate relationship between mitochondrial health and overall well-being is essential, particularly when it comes to brain and eye health. What roles do mitochondria play in memory, cognition, and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease? How do chronic stress and oxidative stress impact mitochondrial function? Do certain nutrients and dietary habits support these vital organelles? Can exercises help to maintain optimal mitochondrial health and, therefore, overall health? Continue reading “How Mitochondrial Function Affects the Eyes and the Brain”

Ultraviolet Light Linked to Eye Disease and Skin Damage: UV Safety

woman in sunshine wearing sunglassesJuly is Ultraviolet Safety Month, a crucial time to raise awareness about the dangers of UV rays and the importance of protecting our eyes and skin. Ultraviolet radiation, a type of energy produced by the sun, can have serious health implications if proper precautions are not taken. Why is UV safety important? What are the sources of ultraviolet radiation? How can you keep yourself and your loved ones safe from the harmful effects of UV rays? Continue reading “Ultraviolet Light Linked to Eye Disease and Skin Damage: UV Safety”

Aged Black Garlic Supports Glaucoma and New Eye-Related Research

aged black garlic bulbsAged black garlic, a culinary staple, is gaining recognition for its unique flavor and remarkable health benefits. Garlic has long been celebrated for its medicinal properties. Aged black garlic is a fermented food with even more potency and health benefits. Recent research has uncovered the benefits of aged black garlic, particularly in relation to the cardiovascular system and the eyes, including glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. From improving optic nerve blood flow and reducing intraocular pressure to boosting HDL cholesterol levels and mitigating heart disease risks, aged black garlic is a versatile and powerful ally in promoting overall health. Continue reading “Aged Black Garlic Supports Glaucoma and New Eye-Related Research”

Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Syndrome

metabolic syndrome waist measurementExtra weight around the belly may not seem hazardous. However, a higher abdominal circumference is one of several contributing factors to Metabolic Syndrome. As a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Metabolic Syndrome can creep up over time. Hormones, insulin resistance, genetics, organ dysfunction, and mitochondrial dysfunction can play a role.

Lifestyle, including nutrition and exercise, are factors that contribute to Metabolic Syndrome, and are under our control. Therefore, preventing or reversing metabolic syndrome can improve both lifespan and quality of life. Diabetic retinopathy, central retinal artery occlusion, cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and dry eye syndrome are eye diseases with similar underlying risk factors to Metabolic Syndrome. Oxidative stress ties into all these problems. What is the science behind Metabolic Syndrome? What can you do to head it off? Continue reading “Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Syndrome”

How Are Hair Loss and Eye Conditions Connected?

Senior man and woman with hair lossHair loss is a prevalent concern, affecting both men and women. Surprisingly, there may be a connection between hair loss and eye conditions. This intriguing link stems from healthy vision being closely tied to overall bodily health. Chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and hypertension are associated with declining eye health. The root causes of many chronic conditions, such as incomplete nutrition and chronic inflammation, can damage hair and impede hair growth. Certain autoimmune diseases can cause alopecia. Both an underactive and overactive thyroid can cause hair loss and affect the eyes. Menopause impacts both the eyes and hair. In this article, we will explore androgenetic alopecia, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, eyelash loss (madarosis), menopause, diet and vitamin deficiencies, and insights from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Continue reading “How Are Hair Loss and Eye Conditions Connected?”